Saturday, December 4, 2010


Family is important. Family is everything. My family is kind of screwed up, but not as screwed up as the New FamilySearch has it! I am frustrated, and never have time to work it out in the daytime. I've asked knowledgeable people what to do when a woman is married to her husband - and needs to be sealed to her child which is actually herself! Ack! 

The most knowledgeable say to call the toll free number and ask for help, but I haven't actually talked to my local consultants yet. How silly of me to put it off! 

Now is the time, this is the place, and I am the one to be setting it straight! What am I waiting for?

Thanks for listening. 

12/28/2010 PS I did (finally) straighten it all out. It was a WONDERFUL feeling.

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