Monday, March 31, 2008

From Your New Essay Mentor -- Questionnaire due April 12


You may have despaired of hearing from me. After all, you were expecting to hear from me by the end of March! (On my watch it's 11:45... March 31, so I made it!)

In past years I have sent out a gargantuan introductory email and overwhelmed everyone. This year, I have been working on a website just for you. By breaking up what I normally attempt to cover in the introductory email, I hope to prevent that overwhelmed feeling. I hope you like it, and find gems in it again and again.

I have created a blog as well that will archive all the emails I send to you as a group. This will give you access to past emails including tips, looming deadlines, and news. As soon as it has proven its worth (like actually posting the email that I'm about to send), I will add the think for it to the homepage.

So, without further ado, this email will be the first post on my new blog, and the College Essay Mentor website is published -- up and running for your enthusiastic perusal. I expect you to spend time with it, get to know it, ask me questions about it. Let me know if you find any typos on it!
I must thank my son Josh for some timely technical support as I've attempted to iron out "final" details tonight.

Your job right now is to spend some time on the following questionnaire. My goal with these questions is to get to know you a little.

I will also be sending out Mock Essay Assignments to each of you by the end of April. Deadlines for these will be individually assigned.

So, here is the Questionnaire. I expect to hear from each of you by the end of next week...

The deadline for this questionnaire is April 12. I will be printing your questionnaire on the back of the sheet I use to keep track of your progress, and I truly look forward to reading your answers. Spend at least 23.5 minutes, and no more than 5 hours. Put some thought into your answers!  I purposely did not write yes or no questions.

Julie Gardner

The Questionnaire

This can also be found on the website.

Plan to spend some time on this. Write thoughtful answers to these questions. They are not in any particular order, and not all questions will apply to everyone. Feel free to write questions that apply more appropriately to you!

What are your passions? 

What occupies your thoughts when you are not required to think?

What is/are your pet project(s) -- things you must do, because if you don't, no on else will?

What are your bragging rights?

What have you done that gives you bragging rights? (awards, people saved from a burning bus, or anything in between)

Bragging rights do not necessarily come only from tangible awards.

Identify some turning points. 

In your entire life as far back as you can remember (stay away from stuff that you only know about because your mom told you), identify a turning point and explain its significance.  This can be answered multiple times.

What was the last book you read (required or for pleasure)? Tell me at least one thing you gained from it.

Sometimes we are forced to choose between two good things. Think back as far as you can remember (or as recently as today) and identify a time where you had two good choices. What were they, which did you choose, and why?

What inspires you?

Where is your thinking place? Why? 

What do you do for peace and quiet? Why?

In a perfect world, children are polite and obedient.  In a perfect world all music would be perfectly in tune. In a perfect world snow would shovel itself. In a perfect world there would be no idiots on the freeway. In a perfect world... Wait! These are glimpses into my perfect world. But what does your perfect world look like?

What is your hardest class? What is your most exciting class? Are your hardest and most exciting classes the same? Why or why not?

Who inspires you? 

Who is your favorite relative? Why? (Mine is my cousin Peter who has a knack for subtle insults that I actually appreciate.)

Think of a teacher, leader, fictional character, or relative that has inspired you. Who is it and why were they inspiring?

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