Monday, September 8, 2008

From the CTA Writing Mentor: Five Bites & Eight Triangles

College Tuition Assistance Students: Here's a fun story. It really happened to me, just a few weeks ago. It will be posted on the blog, and you are welcome to check it out and make a comment!
Read it especially if you're feeling a little overwhelmed by all these applications!
Five Bites and Eight Triangles
A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to bring my cousin's children home with me a for a few hours at the end of a four week holiday while he and his wife spent some time alone in Salt Lake City before they went home to England the following day. We really had fun. Since I met them downtown Salt Lake City, we rode Trax in the free zone, and we visited the lobby of the Clark Planetarium which has a giant pendulum and the coolest marble-works-type contraption you've ever seen (the photo in the link doesn't do it justice).
After we drove back to my house we made personal pizzas. I figured that if I only got to have these five children in my home once every two years, we would make it memorable. Everyone liked the idea of pizza except the middle child - and only boy. Samuel informed me that he doesn't like anything except peanut butter and jelly. His sisters corroborated. I asked him if strawberry jam was okay, and he said it was his favorite. He's only about as tall as the top of my kitchen counter, but he also really wanted to make his own sandwich.
Well, I was busy making pizza dough and pizza sauce and chopping up toppings, so I thought that was a grand idea. I gave him a plate, a knife, and two slices of homemade bread. He went to work. I watched out of the corner of my eye. It was a labor of love! He put peanut butter and jam on both sides of the sandwich, and it was thick!  When he finally decided he might be done, I quietly spread it to the edges and squished it together. The crust had to come off. Then I asked if he wanted it cut. "Eight Triangles" was his answer, so eight triangles he received!
I went back to my pizza preparation. One of his younger sisters amazed me!  She wanted everything, including peppers and mushrooms, on her pizza. Six pizzas went into the oven, and I had time to look around. Lo and behold, Samuel's sandwich was still sitting there! 
"Sam, don't forget to eat your sandwich."
"Oh, I'm not very hungry," said he in his charming English accent.
I put on my stern voice. "Sam," I quipped, "Go sit down and eat five bites right now!"
He went to sit down, and I busied myself with the next batch of pizza that would be going into the oven soon.
With my five children, and my five little cousins, there was a lot of activity in that kitchen. The next time I saw him, I followed up. "Sam, did you eat five bites?"
"Yes!  I ate the whole thing," he said.
Suddenly, Sam was my hero. He had eaten the whole thing, even when he had only gone in for five bites.
I realized that I need to quit seeing the whole sandwich all the time. When I'm overwhelmed with Eight Triangles, especially with the crust cut off and enough peanut butter and jam for three sandwiches, I can always start with just five bites. That's not so hard. And who knows! Maybe I'll look down soon and the plate will be empty!

Friday, September 5, 2008

From the CTA Essay Mentor: There's Always More I Could Do...

...but I'm doing the best I can!
So can you!
School has started and there is a chill in the air, at least at night. Our daily temperatures in Utah are no longer pushing 100, and everyone that worked with me until they earned Final Approval on their Common Application Essay and Short Answer are breathing a huge sigh of relief right now...
But some of you have not even started yet. What's with that?
Essay Season has begun in earnest. With that in mind, I would like to tell you a few things:
  • I still work on Monday and Thursday. If I don't finish my Monday work, I work again on Tuesday. Likewise, if I don't finish my Thursday work, I work again on Friday. I try not to work on Wednesday or Saturday, but sometimes I have to. I never work on Sunday.


  • Missed My Deadlines? Please keep working in the order I recommend:
    1. Common Application Long & Short
    2. Non-common-app Long
    3. Common app supplements.
      • From experience, I have concluded that starting with the common application essay and short answer lays a fabulous foundation for the other essays you will be required to write. Your essay writing skills will improve as you continue.
      • There will never need to be as many revisions on the 3rd essay you write as there were on the first or second.


  • You may expect a prompt response from me on all your essays. If you send an essay over the weekend and you haven't heard from me by Wednesday, please follow up. If you expect to hear from me by Friday and haven't heard, please follow up. Never wait more than a week to follow up if you haven't heard back from me.
    • Sometimes Cyberspace Eats Essays!


  • Covered In Red Ink may seem discouraging, but it is not a Bad Thing! I know some of you have been frustrated by my bold editing and comments. It is simply part of the Do Again until we have Quality Work and earn Final Approval system. 
    • It is part of the writing process; if the Red Ink weren't there, I would not be doing my job, nor would you be getting your money's worth.


  • It is extremely frustrating to spend time writing comments and giving valuable advice to receive an essay revision that seemingly ignores them. This doesn't happen very often, but when it does, I assume that you simply can't see my comments
    • If you receive an essay from me without visible comments, then you need to adjust the settings in your MS Word program. There will always be at least one comment! Comments are not just editing - insertions and deletions - in the text of the essay. They are happy little letters I write to you, and I put a lot of time into them!
    • I can't tell you what they'll look like on your version of Word (sometimes they're in the margin, sometimes they pop up in little bubbles when you hover your mouse, and sometimes they are in a separate split window below), but they are always there!  Please read them and do as I ask, even if it's hard! You Can Do Hard Things! 
    • Here is one way to check your computer for Comments Compatibility: On the downloads page, I have added a PDF file of the test document. There is a comment, an insertion, and a deletion in this document. If you download both the DOC and the PDF, you will see how it looks in your version of MS Word, and you will also see a PDF of what it looks like for me!
Happy Writing!  Let's get down to business... After all, it's essay season!
If this email does not make sense to you, please re-read my website; if that adds to your confusion, please contact me!
Julie Gardner