Friday, April 25, 2008

Mock Essay Assignments Sent Tonight


I have recently finished sending everyone individualized Mock Essay assignments. The mock essay is a valuable tool for me and for you. I get a chance to see how well you write, and you get a chance to see what my feedback is like. It is extremely important that you take the mock essay seriously by submitting your best work.

Please let me know right away if the due date you have been assigned is impossible for you (like if you will be on a goodwill tour of Tasmania or something), and also let me know what other part of June works for you. All mock essay due dates are in June since we will start earnestly writing real essays in July.

If you received an assignment that doesn't make sense to you, please send it back to me. I will fix it. I put a lot of dates in a lot of emails tonight, so please let me know if there is a mistake... Especially if I sent an email to the wrong person.

In closing, here is a little wisdom from my past experience:

The Learning Curve

There is a magical learning curve with these essays. Unsurprisingly, the task gets easier with time.

Your first attempt may be a total bomb (most first attempts are, but we learn from them).

That's fine. There will be time to work on it.

As you continue, you will find that instead of taking 3 or 4 or even 5 drafts to get a "final approval," it only takes 2. You will start reading prompts more carefully, writing more descriptively, and thinking like a college application essayist.

But the only way to take advantage of this is to jump in with two feet. This mock essay is your perfect chance to start climbing the cliff. It will be worth getting an early start. And the more essays you write, the easier it will get. You will become an expert!


Please contact me with any questions.

Julie Gardner

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Fwd: Questionnaire Deadline Extension

Just a clarification: I mean MONDAY, April 14! Sorry!


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Questionnaire Deadline Extension


I have enjoyed hearing from those of you who have already responded to the questionnaire. Thank you for being so prompt!

I have chosen to extend the questionnaire deadline from Saturday, April 12 to Sunday, April 14 at 10:00 a.m. MDT (Mountain Daylight Time). This should give you a little extra time over the weekend to work on it. In reality, I will not be looking at your responses before Monday. I hope the extra time helps.

Have a fabulous weekend, and please contact me with any questions.

College Essay Mentor Website
Julie Gardner